
The number of students needing English skills continues to grow in our region, and the Literacy Council of the Black Hills is needed more than ever. You can help us as we seek to teach adults to learn to speak, read, and write English.

Won’t you consider a gift to the Literacy Council?


SUPPORTER $10 - $249

  • $50 covers one set of manuals for one tutor and one student

  • $75 can buy materials for a tutor-student match for a year

  • $125 covers a volunteer tutor continuing education event

  • $200 can fund our newsletter and communication expenses for a year

LEADER $250-$999

  • $260 can buy a News for You online subscription for students for a year

  • $500 covers printing costs for brochures and recruitment posters for a year

  • $750 could pay for a volunteer appreciation and literacy day celebration event

Lifelong Learning Contributor $1,000+

  • $1,250 can fund volunteer tutor and student coordination, training, and support services for two weeks

  • $2,500 can fund the above for one month

  • $5,000 can fund the above for two months

“The Literacy Council of the Black Hills is very important to me. Learning a new language as an adult is not an easy thing and if it weren’t for the Literacy Council I wouldn’t have achieved some things such as: Getting my driver’s license, passing the English test to start college, and best of all being able to communicate, which is the most important thing.”

- Literacy Council Student


We like to connect with other community organizations focused on literacy. Join the following organizations who refer students to us or lend us meeting space and storage space:

  • Black Hills Works

  • Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

  • Career Learning Center

  • Catholic Social Services

  • Rapid City Public Library